Yearly Archives: 2021

How to Show Kindness During Hard Times – by Christiana Jolaoso

How to Show Kindness During Hard Times – by Christiana Jolaoso

How to Show Kindness During Hard Times – by Christiana Jolaoso


How to Show Kindness During Hard Times – by Christiana Jolaoso


In a world where you can be anything – be kind.”


Everyone needs a sense of connection to someone or a community. And it is kindness, service, and care that build a community.


In a time like this, when COVID-19 makes people feel a sense of disconnection, we need to show kindness to each other.

10 random acts of kindness at workplaces

10 random acts of kindness at workplaces



Workplace stress is the most significant problem people face nowadays because the covid situations are getting worse day by day. A majority of people say that they feel pressure during their workdays. As the workplaces are opening or we have to work from home. No doubt our days are sandwiched between traffic jams and housework. This kind of situation makes our day stressful and less pleasant, and it taxes our minds and bodies in ways that lower our quality of life and makes us less effective at our jobs. 

5 Ways to Motivate Your Colleagues to Action

5 Ways to Motivate Your Colleagues to Action


Sometimes we wake up invigorated and ready to tackle our daily tasks. On other days we drag our feet but something pushes us on. It might be an external factor or an internal push, but we just find a way to keep going.

Motivating others is different and more complex, especially when you need people to act in a particular way. But understanding what fuels motivation will help you motivate others better. 


Want to know how to encourage others to action?

What Will Our Society Benefit from Kindness? By Christiana Jolaoso

What Will Our Society Benefit from Kindness?

By Christiana Jolaoso


‘’Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” – Princess Diana

Do you remember if someone was ever kind to you? How did it make you feel? 

Can you recollect the moment you helped another person out? How did they respond? Did it improve their mood?  


The World Needs Your Kindness and Mine to Become Better for All by Christiana Jolaoso

The World Needs Your Kindness and Mine to Become Better for All

by Christiana Jolaoso


“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” — Desmond Tutu.  

Remember a time when someone was kind to you? 

Now, think of when you did something good for someone else and how happy it made both of you—that warm feeling of satisfaction that lodged in your heart and refused to go away. 

How to Love Yourself in 2021 and Beyond by Christiana Jolaoso

How to Love Yourself in 2021 and Beyond

by Christiana Jolaoso

Coming into the New Year, you may have written out your New Year resolutions. Loads of new habits, action plans, and so much more. 

But did you include self-love?

This might be a good time to add that to your to-do list for 2021. The year is still budding, you know. 

So, let’s get on. 

What Exactly Is Self-love?

Without understanding the true meaning of self-love,

How to Develop the Culture of Kindness in the Workplace by Christiana Jolaoso

How to Develop the Culture of Kindness in the Workplace

by Christiana Jolaoso


An organization is different not only by its services but ethics, beliefs, and culture. An organization’s culture is the core of its business and the determinant of its success.


This set of beliefs, values, traditions, and ethics are what we’ll call work culture. And the drivers are the leaders who organize the ideas and purpose of an organization. 


But without the employees,

7 Ways to Show Compassion to Those Around You by Christiana Jolaoso

7 Ways to Show Compassion to Those Around You

by Christiana Jolaoso




Compassion is an inbuilt quality everyone possesses. It is real kindness towards another person’s hardship or misery- a yearning to relieve pain. 

Compassion goes beyond emotions. It involves an action to solve someone else’s anguish. 

We need humans who yearn to make our world a better place where everyone is happy. Individuals need to show more kindness instead of fights and violence,

Here’s Why Teaching Kindness is Crucial Need Of The Time

Here’s Why Teaching Kindness is Crucial Need Of The Time

Here’s Why Teaching Kindness is Crucial Need Of The Time


Here’s Why Teaching Kindness is Crucial Need Of The Time



In all the ways, kindness is beautiful. Amid all the chaos and fiasco of life, it is only positivity and kindness that helps us grow and hope for another day. Kindness makes the children confident and lets them have a positive outlook on their lives. So, we can agree to the fact that while growing up, a child needs to learn kindness, so that he/she could have a better future. Do you know about the World Kindness Movement?

Read About a Kind Story