Expressions of Interest are being invited to establish a Peak National Kindness body in Germany, “World Kindness Germany

Expressions of Interest are being invited to establish a Peak National Kindness body in Germany, “World Kindness Germany”

We are seeking applications for board positions serving on the National Executive and for the National Advisory Council representing all sectors of the community from across the nation.

Sectors include but are not limited to:

Government – Business – Education – Media – Sport – Hospitality/Tourism – IT – Health – Community Groups – Kindness Organisation/s – Legal/Finance/Banking – Arts/Theater/Film

In 2012 international strategies were commenced to encourage collaboration through supporting the creation of national kindness bodies to enable a greater reach and providing a united voice to better influence positive change.

World Kindness Germany whilst maintaining its independence would be internationally endorsed allowing for all organisations to meet the KPIs (kindness Performance Indicators) regardless of their primary purpose to collaborate in sharing ideas, programs and strategies to place Kindness firmly on the national agenda .

Things you should know about World Kindness  Germany;

  • World Kindness Germany has no Political or Religious affiliations.
  • World Kindness Germany will support the overarching endeavours of the World Kindness Movement.
  • World Kindness Germany will not seek nor accept donations or apply for grants, it will be independently funded through a sustainable business model designed to support, promote and work with the goodwill initiatives for all to create positive change.
  • World Kindness Germany is not a governing body, it is a platform for national collaboration designed to encourage and support all sectors of our communities to engage in the global campaign for a kinder world.
  • World Kindness Germany’s membership base is not specifically for Kindness organisations as it seeks engagement with Cities, Government, Business, Education, NFP  Community Groups, Peak Association Bodies and Individuals.
  • Membership to World Kindness  Germany is not based on members receiving or expecting benefits of membership but rather allowing others to contribute and provide a value add to the campaign for a kinder world.
  •  WKG will be a registered as a Not For Profit and apply to be a full member of the World Kindness Movement, the peak global body.
  • World Kindness Germany is seeking recognition and independent international endorsement as the Peak German National Kindness Body.


Interested parties please write to the Office of the General Secretary at the World Kindness Movement for further information
Michael Lloyd-White
General – Secretary

Level 22 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney, NSW  2000 Australia

Mail PO Box 20828 World Square Sydney, NSW 2002 Australia
T+61 2 9362 8008 | 614 88 236 148 | Skype Michael668800
The World Kindness Movement


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