World Kindness City
Would You Like Your City to be officially listed by the Peak Global Kindness Body as A “World Kindness City” or Destination?
In 2015 The World Kindness Movement (WKM) has invited “Expressions of Interest” for cities seeking to receive official international endorsement and global listing as a “World Kindness City”. The World Kindness Movement Secretariat is responsible for facilitating the review and approval process for each application. The WKM International Council approves all listings for World Kindness City applications which meet the criteria as indicated in the minutes of 3rd WKM International Council Meeting in Hong Kong in 2013 and adopted at the 8th General Assembly 2014. Cities which are officially listed as “World Kindness City” by the peak global body, The World Kindness Movement International Council will formally announce candidates on World Kindness Day (13th of November) each year. All submissions are subject to the endorsement of the nominated Kindness representative body in each country. Cities wishing to qualify have met the minimum criteria below.
Can your City Meet The KPIs? (download the Kindness Performance Indicators)
- The City has a resolution at the full council meeting to declare Support for World Kindness’s endeavours to create a kinder world for our children to inherit. (Activated by a Mayoral Minute or independent motion sponsored from the floor of the council)
- The City has placed World Kindness Week/Day 13 November on the city calendar
- Council publicly displays a unanimous Declaration for Support for a Kinder World signed by all Councillors for the endeavours to create a kinder world both on the website and on council premises.
- City appoints Council/City Goodwill Ambassadors (Voluntary) to identify and support community Kindness initiatives leading up to World Kindness Week (2nd week of November)
- The city hosts an annual Kindness Awards for all sectors of the community during World Kindness Week second week of November. (Cool To Be Kind / Courage To Be Kind Award)
- The city identifies and supports Schools/Community Groups / Businesses in the municipality/district which have or intend to promote World Kindness and have them appointed Goodwill Ambassadors to participate in kindness programs.
- The city has invited local, state and Federal Members of Government to declare their support for the World Kindness campaign.
- City either hosts, actively supports and or participates in a Kindness Initiative e.g. Implement a 360 Kindness Index, launch an officially branded community, organise The BIG HUG, A Conversation in Kindness Panel and Flash Mob, Kindness Concert of Kindness themed Short Film, Vox Popoli or Arts festival dedicated to expressing kindness through the Arts Dance, Music, Theatre, poetry, literature or photography.
- Introduce a neighbouring City/Council/ sister City or peak government body to the global campaign.
- The mayor invites local sports clubs, Hotels, Schools, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, Businesses and NGOs to attend and or co-host Community Goodwill Ambassador bi-monthly network events.
A country’s national peak kindness body can assist in guiding and reviewing initial submissions from participating cities to ensure minimum criteria are met. Where a peak national kindness body has not been formed the City can make a direct approach and a kindness organisation which is an official WKM member in that country can be nominated by the WKM Secretariat to liaise with the City wishing to apply.
Presentations can be a combination of digital and hard copy including interviews, short film productions awards, and hosting International Kindness events with media highlights of activities showcasing participation from all sectors including education, business, community and government. Any data collected including results from a City Kindness Index are welcomed.
Once the application process is complete it will be put to the WKM Intentional Council to be ratified and the city will receive advice through the office of the Secretary General. Whilst this will take time there are still many components for a City to prepare for a submission. City submissions will be presented 6 months before the Biannual WKM General Assembly. Once several cities are listed we will determine which City may be chosen to be the World Kindness Capital City for a year.
For a submission form please contact the office of
The Secretary-General via Email: