Story of the World Kindness Movement (WKM)

WKM is an international movement with no political, commercial or religious affiliations. The formation of the organisation crystallised at a conference in Tokyo on 13th November 1997 when Japan brought together like-minded kindness organisations from around the world for the first time. WKM is now recognised as the peak global body for Kindness and whilst not a governing body it is a platform for collaboration and sharing. The mission of the WKM is to inspire individuals towards greater kindness by connecting nations to create a kinder world. Members of the movement include over 28 nations with representatives from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, India, Italy,….

World Kindness Day- by Barbie


Prior to the celebration of the World Kindness Day, on November 13 2018, a request for an expression of interest to host the “10th General Assembly” was published with expectation of bid from members; we received expression of interest from Gentletude Switzerland to host the August event in Lugano District, Switzerland. The International Council is pleased to announce that the successful bid is “Gentletude Switzerland” from October 3, 2019 to October 5, 2019.
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SDG project support

In this area we have collected all projects that all member associations of the World Kindness Movement are carrying out to promote kindness.

The purpose of this section is to create relationships and sharing between all various members as well as to stimulate collaboration between different countries on similar projects.

Since WKM supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of UN and due to the fact that many projects that our members…

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World Kindness Projects

We share and support member Organisations and national projects for the world to benefit. Find projects…

Photo Contest an International Photo Contest
Kindness on the roadA civil Education program
Peace Tree Program A lever to act together in kindness
Kindness World TVSpreading kindness  through Facebook and networking

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Civil Education Project

The Italian Movement for Kindness was born in the year 2000 on inspiration of the World Kindness Movement, with a primary cultural vocation, oriented to the specific issues of our national reality: interest for the protection of the environment, for the world of childhood, adolescence, the needy, the sick, the elderly. for the respect of the rules and…

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