Dear Friends in Kindness,
It is an honor for me and my organization, Gentletude, to welcome all delegates from the 4 corners of the world, in Lugano, in the true spirit of collaboration to create a kinder world with a focus on “Kindness as an act to achieve a better future”.
The auspicious gathering will commence on October 3 and end on October 5, 2019. It will be an important moment for our organization because it will allow us to meet in person, share projects and dedicate ourselves to the realization of our mutual goals for the coming years.
As our  Secretary-General, Mr. Stephen Oke has already widely illustrated, we are on the threshold of a very important turning point for our movement. Its registration as an NGO has given us a legal identity, that will allow us, in a few years, to obtain the ECOSOC advisory status of the UN.
In addition to this, we have also recently activated a platform where all our members can register and upload their projects, which I invite you to visit:
I also recommend you to stay tuned, because we will send you continuous updates concerning the 10th Global General Assembly.
With Kindness,
Cristina Milani
President WKM

Make your registration here